Friday, February 2, 2018

A Summary of Fuck You

Me: I'm stressed and can't handle negativity, so please don't.

Person: [negativity]

Me: I need to mute you.

Person: [more negativity]

Me: Tell someone else, please.

Person: [picks a fight]

Me: Okay, you're clearly choosing not to listen because you don't care.

Person: [accusations, blame, negativity]

Me: Quit picking a fight, jerk.

Person: I'm not a jerk. [more negativity and stress and accusations]

Person: [passive aggressive]

Person: Maybe you should block me.

Me: [block]

And that, people, is how you lose a friend for standing up for yourself and trying to take care of yourself. Though, admittedly, I was not so calm and used much more colorful language because they've done this a dozen times since I've put up that post about no negativity. I'm just so tired of it. It's so much bullshit. I specifically told people NOT to come to me because I can't and won't help. Guess what? You're not the exception to the rule. I need to survive now, and of that means cutting out a toxin, so be it.

Always do what's best for your sanity, even if it means kicking people to the curb.

Bye, Felicia.

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