Sunday, November 3, 2013

About "Understanding INFJ"

I am an INFJ. I have been one all of my life, though I thought it was just me and I had no idea about the MBTI test or types. Being the introvert that I am, I spent a lot of time thinking about who I am and reflecting on such things as how others interact together, how I interact with others, body language, facial expressions, vocal tones... As a result, I moved along much faster than normal and developed my type rather well. Being surrounded by extreme extroverted types all my life also helped me to adapt to other types and venture outside my comfort zone. Though it was exhausting in every sense of the word, I am thankful for it. It has provided me with a great understanding of myself, others, and the world around me. It has given me the tools to adapt, evolve, and blend into different social situations.

When I learned about the test and took it, I scored such a high INFJ result. I was curious and started reading on it; what I found explained a lot and really helped me work some stuff out.

The purpose of this blog is to help INFJs understand more about themselves and others, as well as encourage them to strengthen their weak areas and refine their strong points. However, it's not just for INFJs. All types are welcome to come learn, compare/contrast, and share things from their view point. This blog will be based on facts that I learn, a few opinions, and many personal experiences.

I may not post here every day, or even every week. Life intervenes and we have to work hard just to stay afloat. What I will promise is that I will at least post every two weeks with some bit of information, useful links, or something I've thought of.

So, welcome one and all. Let's begin.

Please note that there is a difference between constructive criticism and hate. Constructive (polite and helpful) criticism, other points of view, and opinions are welcome. Rude comments and hate are not; those comments will be removed.

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